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Top 30 Quest Point Holders on Blazera
Name Quest Points
Brainless 420
Mysteric 304
Gubben 245
Pick Me Up 235
Flyingboots 208
Sweat 205
Knightest 202
James Bond 180
Max 161
Fangs Spear 161
Rechu 161
Frank 160
Dicwad Von Jerkenstein 152
Xaldin 126
Youknowitsme 125
Questpoint 122
Popoezz 122
Chicken Fried 119
Lemortis 110
Kyrainus 108
Slumped 104
Poeg 103
Wrath 103
Abikaasa 101
Tutar 101
Mother Russia 100
Eddyowns Mage 98
Mac 93
Reign 89
Waffles 85
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Players: 4
Uptime: 17h 42m