Contentbox headline


New guild. Leader must edit this text :)

Dagon is guild leader of Envy.
The guild was founded on Blazera on 14 February 2024.

Guild Members
Rank Name and Title
the Leader
Guild Statistic
Number of Members in Guild 0 online | 1 offline (1)
Total Level in guild 202
Avg Level in guild 202
Lowest Level in guild Dagon
Highest Level in guild Dagon
Number of Invited Members 0
Vocations in guild
Druid 0
Knight 0
Paladin 0
Sorcerers 0
Guild points 809
Guild Achievements
SkillName (Value)
Fist Fighting Dagon (10)
Club Fighting Dagon (10)
Sword Fighting Dagon (10)
Axe Fighting Dagon (10)
Distance Fighting Dagon (10)
Shielding Dagon (10)
Fishing Dagon (10)
Experience Dagon (134459241)
Magic Level Dagon (96)

Invited Characters
No invited characters found.

Guild Wars

Guild Wars Information
Currently there are no active guild wars.
Private Wars Information
Currently there are no active private wars.

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Players: 5
Uptime: 22h 34m